
You are responsible for you own machine and safety gear.

We no longer check every bike but carry out spot checks.

Any machine deemed unsafe will not be permitted to race.

Sprocket Guards
you are reminded that your machine must be equipped with a front sprocket guard whichever group you ride in.

levels must be ball-ended. If you break a lever you must fix or replace it.

Fire Extinguishers
all riders must bring with them a fire extinguisher, you may be required to produce it. It should not be less than 1.5 kg dry powder or the equivalent suitable for use on oil, petrol or electrical fires.

Noise Testing
this may be carried out at certain tracks and any machines (2 stroke and 4 stroke) not complying with noise requirements must be repaired or they may not be permitted to race. So don`t forget to pack your pipe!!!

You may be asked to produce your helmet. It must not have any holes or cracks and we recommend they have the ACU gold stamp. The buckle must be able to secure the helmet on your head

must be securely attached and of a satisfactory standard.

the correct allocated numbers must be displayed on the machine on the side and front plates. These will be issued when applying for an annual licence. Day licence holders may be required to X out their numbers.